Call for Abstracts

Abstract Guidelines for the 2nd Arab Resuscitation Council Scientific Conference (ArRC)

The 2nd Arab Resuscitation Council Scientific Conference (ArRC) invites researchers and practitioners to submit abstracts that contribute innovative insights to the field. To ensure high quality, a global panel of experts will conduct a peer-review process. Submission is open until 11:59 P.M. GST Sunday, 15 September 2024.

Here are the guidelines for abstract submission:

  • All abstracts must be submitted online through the Abstracts Portal. Submissions via email will not be considered.
  • Authors are responsible for adhering to the guidelines to ensure a correct submission. Any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific facts will be reproduced as submitted.
  • Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Abstracts must be prepared in English and written in “Sentence case” only.
  • The abstract text should not exceed 300 words.
  • Do not include the title of the abstract, authors’ names, affiliations, figures, or tables in the text. The submission platform will automatically add this information based on the data provided.

Authors must choose one option from the below:

  • Oral
  • Poster
  • No Preference (Oral or Poster)

Authors must select one of the following study types:

  • Metanalysis
  • Cohort Study
  • Randomized Control Trial
  • Case Control Study
  • Observational Study
  • Retrospective Study
  • Case Series
  • Case Report
  • Others

Authors must choose a category that best fits the abstract’s theme. The categories are as follows:

  • Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs)
  • Community Awareness
  • Prevention of Cardiac Events
  • Pre-hospital Care
  • Hospital-based Care
  • Post Resuscitation Care
  • Special Population
  • Pediatric Resuscitation
  • Trauma Resuscitation
  • Quality of Life after Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
  • Advancements in Technology and Simulation
  • Resuscitation Ethics
  • Resuscitation Education
  • Disaster Management and Trauma
  • Emergency and Critical Care
  • Resuscitation Update
  • ECMO

The abstract text should be added to the provided template and follow the structure below:

  • Authors submitting a Scientific Research must include Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion in the abstract.
  • Authors submitting a Case Study. must include Clinical Question, Case Presentation/Problem, Analysis of the Literature Review, Summary/Lesson Learned in the abstract.
  • Only fully completed, presenter profiles and abstract submissions marked as final will be reviewed.
  • Submissions can be edited until the deadline, even after having clicked “submit”. Authors must have clicked “submit” before the deadline for the abstract to be considered.
  • Abstracts can be saved in draft status and completed before the deadline.
  • Authors can submit multiple abstracts, but each author can present a maximum of two accepted and approved abstracts at the conference.
  • After the submission deadline, corrections, withdrawals, changes in authorship, and affiliation are not allowed.
  • Presentations must be in English, and speakers should be able to answer questions from the audience in English. Assistance from an English-speaking person can be arranged if needed.
  • Author confirms that their presented abstract adheres to research ethics. And when it is applicable, they should confirm that the research has been granted an IRB approval.

Abstract submission must be accompanied by a declaration of any potential conflict of interest for all authors. The conference aims to focus on educational content free from commercial influence or bias.

Notification of acceptance or rejection for oral abstracts and poster abstracts will be sent after review is completed between 26 – 30 September. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract.

  • Accepted Abstracts will benefit from the Early Bird Rate.
  • Contributions will only be considered if at least one of the authors is registered on or before Monday, 30 September 2024.
  • The Best Abstract Presentation and Best Poster will benefit from complimentary registration for next year.
  • The Best Abstract Presentation and Best Poster will be published in the Saudi Medical Journal.
  • In the case of abstract acceptance, authors grant third parties the right to use the abstract and its presentation materials while providing proper attribution to the original authors.
  • Authors certify that the list of authors is complete and that they have permission from all co-authors to include their names in the abstract and publications.
  • Abstract submission constitutes a formal commitment to present the corresponding presentation in the assigned session and time slot by the Scientific Committee.
  • Presentations can only be made on-site, not virtually.
  • Please ensure you can travel to Dubai if your abstract is accepted for presentation.

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission

Sunday, 15 September

Abstract Reviewal

Monday, 16 September – Sunday, 22 September

Notifications of Acceptance & Rejection

Monday, 23 September – Sunday, 30 September